Getting Started

Quick start for Project Journey


Prepare two instances, one instance with MacOS or Linux for Project Journey backend package and one with Windows for Spotfire Desktop

On the MacOS or Linux instance

  1. Docker 20.10.12 or above Docker 20.10.12 or above needs to be installed. If not, please refer to the link for Docker installation.
docker --version
  1. TIBCO Graph Database (CE or EE) 3.0 or above TIBCO Graph Database (CE or EE) 3.0 or above needs to be installed and the environment variable $TGDB_HOME needs to be set. If not, please refer to the link for TIBCO Graph Database installation.

On the Windows instance

  1. Spotfire Analyst 11 or above Spotfire Analyst 11 or above needs to be installed. If not please refer to the link for Spotfire Analyst installation.

prerequisites spotfire desktop

  1. Trial Account The Implementation leverages TIBCO Cloud™ Integration, TIBCO Cloud™ LiveApp, TIBCO Cloud™ Messaging, TIBCO Cloud™ Spotfire and TIBCO Cloud™ Spotfire Data Stream, so you need the TIBCO Cloud™ account with those capabilities. If not, please refer to the following links to register the trial account.

    TIBCO Cloud™ Integration
    TIBCO Cloud™ LiveApp
    TIBCO Cloud™ Messaging
    TIBCO Cloud™ Spotfire/Spotfire Data Stream

prerequisites tibco cloud


Project Journey Backend Package

TGDB is used to store the data relationship and provide instant queries to the user interface.
By default, there are several graph databases that can be used, the 1st one is being used by the Customer Journey use case, the 2nd one is being used by the Crime or Transport Journey use case and 3rd one is being used by Healthcare Fraud Journey use case.

1. Install components

a. execute and provide necessary parameters

cd lab-journey/src/journey_backend

Below is the sample result

Please provide installation path of TGDB 3.x (E.g. /home/ec2-user/tgdb)
Please provide TGDB version (E.g. 3.0)
Please provide public domain name can be accessed from internet (E.g.
copying files…
1) Customer Journey 3) Healthcare
2) Crime Journey 4) All
5) Quit
Choose the graph database to create: 2
Crime Journey is selected!
Crime Journey
create crime journey tgdb container…

2. Verify all components

Make sure the containers’ status are UP

docker container ps -a

installation container status

Project Journey Spotfire Mod

The Spotfire Mods is created to provide a native spotfire visualization using Spotfire Mods to connect to the backend TGDB server directly. With this mod, users can issue TGDB Gremlin query against TGDB server in order to retrieve results and visualize the result in spotfire. According to the scenario you choosed in Backend installation, choose the corresponding Mod for installation.

1. Start Mods development server

Type the TGDB hostname then select the journey you want to visualize

cd labs-journey/src/journey_mods

Please run the script according to your os system

installation start mod server

Build the Spotfire Dashboard

2. Add data from TGDB by Spotfire Analytics/Desktop and save to dxp

a. Open Spotfire Desktop/Analyst 11
b. Add a OData Connector

installation odata connector

c. Input your TGDB rest server URL (E.g. http://<DOMAIN_NAME>:9501/TGDB/OData.svc/
d. Login with username/password of TGDB server (E.g. scott/scott)

installation connect tgdb

e. Select Types, Connection and TypesDetails table

installation select tgdb table

f. Merge all 3 tables into a single table

installation merge table
installation merge table
installation merge table

g. Save as a dxp(e.g. JourneyDemo.dxp)

3. Configure Spotfire Mod on Spotfire Cloud

a. Open Spotfire Cloud by the browser on your laptop
b. Select the DXP from your local computer
c. Connect the TGDB with the credential (scott/scott)

installation connect tgdb on cloud

d. Select ‘Editing’ on the top-right drop list

installation select editing

e. Add a excel spreadsheet (tgdb-journey-mods-generic-v3-css.xlsx which download from the GitHub) as data source. The spreadsheet contains Name, Type, SysId, displayLabel, backgroundColor and borderColor columns. And you can define the value of each Node and Edge type in this spreadsheet

installation import css

f. Open Data Canvas then select your imported dxp source in the drop list and add the excel spreadsheet as new columns to existing table

installation add css
installation add css
installation add css
installation add css

g. Check and make sure the data table contains all style you defined then close ‘Data Canvas’

installation check after adding css

h. Select ‘Tools’ on the top menu then click ‘Development’ and ‘Create visualization mod’

installation create mod

i. Click ‘Connect to Project’ and select ‘Development Server’

installation deployment server

j. Connect the server url show on previous step

installation deployment server url

k. Map Token, Url field to Token, connectionUrl from the table
l. Map Name, Type, SysId, displayLabel, backgroundColor and borderColor columns to Entities axis

installation map

m. Happy Query

Note: If the graph do not show successfully, please follow the Troubleshooting section to check the certification.

installation happy query

Last modified May 17, 2022: update src and doc (86fdab08)